Magazine Information

Grasmere Parish Magazine is produced bi-monthly by Grasmere PCC and is sponsored by Wordsworth Grasmere and supported by our advertisers.   Copy comes from our valued band of regular and occasional contributors and is compiled by the editors.

The magazine is distributed free to every house in Grasmere.  A small number of extra copies are on sale in the Church and some shops in Grasmere. Please contact us if you are outside Grasmere and would like a printed copy.

Copy date is 18th March 2025 for the next edition covering April – May 2025. Please visit our contact page for details on how to send copy.

There are yearly rates for single column advertisements up to 2″ in the back pages. We can usually also carry a limited number of half-page advertisements in individual issues if space permits.  Contact the Editors for details, or if you have any other requirements.

Editorial Policy

The magazine is produced by St Oswald’s PCC on behalf of the community. The name of the author appears at the foot of each article, and the views expressed are those of the author alone and any issues covered reflect that person’s views. Having said this, the editors and PCC reserve the right to exercise discretion in what is acceptable to be included. We may make minor edits for length or clarity. We may omit anything which is factually incorrect, or which may be libellous, or which makes adverse comments about other bodies without first giving a right of reply, or which might infringe copyright without first seeking permission.

Copyright in articles in the Magazine usually belongs to the author. Please see our copyright notice for full information.

To ensure online privacy, personal data has been removed from online versions. See our privacy notice for more information.